Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to my mummy and all the other mums out there! :D I'm going to be a little cheesy so if you can't stand it, I'm sorry :p

Hey mum.

It's been almost 16 years that you have been taking care of me. Wow, time has wings. Anyways, you're the best mum ever. You're always so funny, cute and lame at times. You also buy me whatever I want, cheer me up when I'm sad, spend time with me despite your tiredness etc.

But I've been so bad. Making you mad or sad. Sometimes I'm also rude and end up hurting you.

I'm sorry for being such a bad daughter. I promise I'll try to be good okay? I'll study hard and buy you a huge house so that I can take care of you. And I'll get you whatever you want and go on vacations.

Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for your love, care and concern. Thank you for tolerating all the shit I did. Thank you for being my mum. Without you, I wouldn't even have existed. I love you mum. Forever and always ♥ xx

Goodbye and Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there ^^ x

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Short update

I will also be posting some food galore Saturdays, where my dinner on Saturdays, are pretty awesome and delicious. Well, here's why.

Every Saturday(almost), I'll meet up with my childhood friends. As a family. There's usually 3 families. Including us, 4 families. And they always have good food to recommend so I thought, why not make a blog about it?

Well, just wanted you guys to taste some delicious food ;)

I'll end here now, bye! :) x

The table tennis journey, has ended

Finally, I have stepped down from my cca, table tennis. I didn't expect myself to be THAT sad. Yeap, I cried. What a pussy :p I thought I would be happy but oh boy NOOOOO. That was embarrassing ><

Enough of talking~ spammed a whole lot of polaroids and pictures and here they come ^^

P.s sorry for not updating for so long >< HAHA said it so many times already so I think you should know the reason why :p I'll caption the pictures if I have the time to. But I will.. Some day. HAHAHA. I hope so xD

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Run, run as fast as you can

So yesterday (15 March), was my school's annual cross country. Last year we were first place but this year we were fourth :(

There are two components of the cross country:
1. Mass run
2. Relay run

The mass run are for the people who cannot really run that fast. Not saying slow, but just not as fast as the others. :p The relay run is for the faster runners cause it's a competition among the cohort. 10 boys and girls from each class.

Last year, I was in the mass run but this year, I ran in the relay. I have a very low stamina btw. I ran for the relay because one of my friends didn't come to school as she wasn't feeling well.

So, in order to replace her spot, I did it but I was freaking slow (I'm really sorry 4E2) because I was the 2nd runner and I was the last when I was running. Yeap, so I'm at fault for running so slow that we couldn't win :( But woah, all the 2nd runners were SO FREAKING FAST. I think I was like 20m away from the last second runner. Hahahaha I know I very slow. ><

Many were hurt like sprained ankles, leg cramps, butt pain (LOL I NEVER EXPERIENCE BEFORE SO IDK HOW IT FEELS LIKE), hyperventilation etc. So my friend hyperventilated so I went to help her cause she looked really pale and weak. Then there was this other guy from 4T1 who also, hyperventilated or something. Both of them were brought into a classroom for better ventilation well, there were fans.

But his condition was WAY more serious than my friend's. They say he hadn't opened his eyes after the run. I think he was unconscious. The SCDF people came too, along with the other paramedics. AND THE STUPID PHOTOGRAPGER TOOK PHOTOS WHILE THEY WERE CHECKING HIM LIKE WTH. NO RESPECT MUCH. HE ALSO TOOK MY FRIEND'S PHOTO. -.- YOU STUPID ASS.

That guy was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, he woke up in the hospital *phew* It was really frightening.
But my class still had a really great time ^^ even though we didn't win, everyone was still happy :D we must cherish every event like this since it's our last year in Unity alr. Sad :(

We are now aiming to win at the Sports Fiesta yay! :D Let's work hard together 4E2! I know we can do this ;)

To end off, this is a photo of my awesomest, craziest, funniest and best class of all time :') and I'm soooo unglam :p


Thursday, February 28, 2013

February timeline

It's 28 February already! Which means it's the last day of the month! Whoosh~ time haz to slow down. Oh well. Guess I just gotta adapt to Sec 4 life. And Shu Ting said "OMG Sabrina you got eyebags already!!!" Yup, I'm aware. So get prepared for the worst :)

Will update more often~ look forward to it ^^ goodbyez xoxo
Ootd on first day of CNY ^^

My really cute cousin :3

Trophy for 4th place but still an achievement!

The medals!

HAHAHA dry ice when celebrating childhood friend's 7th birthday XD

Me and me sister enjoying Ben and Jerry's ice cream cake at the celebration :DD