Monday, October 29, 2012


Woah. It has been way too long since I last blogged. Been busy studying for the exams and then was a little lazy to blog. HAHA. Cause I didn't really have anything to blog about. :/

So, the EOYs results are out and it really didn't meet my expectations. Gaaahh. I guess sometimes I'm really too damn lazy to study. Hate it when that happens.

But at least I improved some of my subjects particularly chinese and a math.
I COULDN'T BELIEVE I GOT A B3 FOR MY CHINESE OMG. I failed so badly the last time. And I improved so much ^_^ hehe.

AND I ACTUALLY GOT A B4 FOR A MATH. WTH RIGHT?! From C5 to B4. Well, its quite an improvement right? Hehe. I was 1 more mark to getting B3. JUST 1 MORE MARK. ALWAYS LIKE THAT. OH GOD WHY.

Well, lesson learnt: I shouldn't be so lazy. I should really start studying hard. And also studying smart. After all, O levels are NEXT YEAR. OMG. SCARY. Thinking about it just stresses me out :(

Till then. xoxo

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