Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goodbye January, Hello February

It's already 31st January without me realising. So that means.. IT'S A MONTH CLOSER TO O LEVELS. OMGG. T.T

I've been pretty stressed up lately. Due to studies, cca and friends.

Having really little sleep like just 3 hours. (Which explains my panda eyes) Because I spend my time doing my homework and at times when I can't sleep (because I'm too stressed), I'll do assessment books till like 1am-2am. So yeah, really deprived of sleep.

Stressed about cca because of the ongoing competitions and my skills HAVE DETERIORATED. LIKE A LOT. So I'm really worried for the competition, afraid that I can't play well.

The 'paranoid' me is back. Everytime someone gossips or say bad things about other people, I will think that they are talking bad about me. Damn. I should really build more trust between me and my friends. I know I shouldn't be like this but I can't help it. Sigh. I'm sorry my friends, if you find that I don't really trust you. It's not your fault. It's mine. Hope this attitude of mine will vanish FOREVER.

Well, at least I've learnt quite a lot of things in Sec 4 life. Hectic schdules, ending school late, insufficient time to complete homework and coping with the learning progress. Time is limited and we have to cherish every second of it. Before we even know it, O levels will be round the corner.

Well, I guess that's all I've got to say. Shall update soon. Goodbye xx :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Pigheads shall make history :')

So on Wednesday (23/01/13), B girls had a competition against Kranji and Pioneer held at Shuqun sec sch while the B boys had a competition against Nan Hua and Regent. And I'm happy and proud to announce that both the B girls and B boys won all the matches!! Yayyy!! ;)

Luckily, my leg didn't hurt so bad on Wednesday so I could play in the competition :) I'm feeling kind of guilty though. Sigh. If only I didn't play, Nina could have a chance.. I'm sorry. :(

Was really really proud and happy for the boys when they won against Nan Hua! It was a tough match they
made it! And it was the FIRST time EVER. That we have won against Nan Hua. :)

B girls have already advanced to the Nationals while the B boys have to win at least 1 more match to be able to enter the Nationals. B girls will be playing against Nan Hua on 4th Feb while the B boys will be playing against Hua Yi and Hwa Chong next tuesday(29/01/13) and Dunearn on 4th Feb :) I really realy hope the B boys can proceed to the Nationals with us :')

This is a really good chance for use to all enter the Nationals :) We shall make history guys :D Let's do our best!! Fighting!!

Today we separated to go to different schools to support the C division girls and boys. And Ee Tand, Amanda and I went to Shuqun, which was the C girls. And on the other hand, Nina, Shu Ting, Kevin, Jia Hong and Jun Wei went to Yuan Ching to watch the C boys. They camwhored a lot. HAHAHA. TYPICAL PIGHEADS.

Anyways, here are some pictures :p but all these photos were taken in Yuan Ching. And I wasn't there. So, it's mostly Nina, Shu Ting, Kevin, Jun Wei, Jia Hong. HAHAHA.

And I always seem to be damn high when I'm with the pigheads especially in the bis xD Always so noisy in the bus :p I love you guys ♥ You guys are the only people whom I can be crazy, unglam, loud and hyper xD Always so lovely :3 I will never forger such a great bunch of people like you guys ;') Thanks a lot for giving me a chance during sec 1 to change myself and be your friends. Thanks for being such great friends and a great team :') Let's work hard! :D

Enjoy and I'll update real soon! Bye! xx

Left to right: Shu Ting, Nina, Jia Hong, Kevin, Jun Wei

Gay couple :)

Back row(left to right): Boh Wen, Jia Hong, Mr Leong, Kevin
Front row (left to right): Jun Wei, Nina, Shu Ting

I personally like this picture the best cause it's so pretty :)


Monday, January 21, 2013


WHY OH WHY. WHY DID I HAVE TO FALL DOWN. WHYYYYY. HAISH. Now it's so swollen and red and hurts so badly :(

Here's how it happened...

During pe lesson today, we were playing floorball. Took turns at 3 different stations. Station 1: Physical training. Station 2: Playing with the floorball ball. But it has to roll on the floor. Somewhat like bowling. Station 3: Actual floorball game. So I started at station 2. Then proceeded to station 3. So when the game was going to end, I "dribbled" the ball while walking backwards and suddenly someone (which I think is Jasmine), intercepted the stick in between my legs, trying to get possession of the ball. And me, being some dumbass, stepped onto the floorball stick and fell and impacted straight on my left knee. Tadah.
AND GUESS WHAT?! TIMING'S SO "GREAT" TOO. COMPETITION STARTING ON WEDNESDAY WHICH IS 2 DAYS LATER OMG WHYY. And the doctor says it takes at least one week to recover.

I'm so sorry my pigheads teammates. :'( I didn't plan to fall so badly :( I didn't even expect it to happen either :( I'm so sorry I won't be able to play at the competition omg. I'm so sorry for this accident :(( I'm really really sorry D:

My very red knee after ice pack-ing it to end off the post. Hope I'll get well soon. Really want to recover

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Eagles Award and Thanks

Got the EAGLES award thanks to the whole table tennis team! Couldn't have got this award without you guys - the pigheads and the seniors and OH! And the alumnis who came to support too! Like Zhi Yu, Michele and Madeline - whether you were there at the competition or morally supporting us. Thanks to the teachers too for nominating us so we could get this award. Especially Mr Tan :) Couldn't thank you guys enough!

Dearest pigheads (Shu Ting, Nina, Ee Tang, Amanda, Geris, Yi Mei, Jun Wei, Kevin, Jia Hong and Tian Le),

     You guys are the best team I've ever met (actually the first too). Even though I was kind of anti-social in the past, I managed to break that barrier and approach you guys :) and little did I know that we will be such great friends and a great team. You guys have such good team spirit and I think we're quite bonded ^^ just want you guys to know I love you guys a lot and I'll never forget you guys :') You guys have given me some of the best memories in my life. BEST BUNCH OF PEOPLE I'VE MET.

And even if we don't win this year, it's alright :) What matters most is that everyone is there to support each other through thick and thin. Let's work hard together and get that trophy ;)

Love you guys ♥♡♥♡ muacks! xx

Thursday, January 10, 2013

O Level results for 2012 graduates

The day has come for the results after a long wait of 3 months.

I was there to experience how it was gonna be like one year later when I receive my results. And then, I began to feel so stressed up. Because the Sec 4 graduates did so well. I'm really happy for them :)
However, at that moment, I felt so worried and nervous upon the thought of O levels. Damn. I guess because I'm just so lazy and I procrastinate a lot.

There's no time to lose. Got to buck up and study hard. It's not like psle. O levels is much more important than that. It determines what kind of job you're going to have in the future, how you're gonna live your life next time. It's something like "Your future lies in the 'hands' of O level results". This is how I feel, don't know about you guys. HAHA

Most importantly, I think it's crucial to set a goal and work towards it. Maybe it will be my motivation to strive and work harder. To be honest, I'm aiming for less than 10 points for L1R5. I think it's still manageable but I'll have to work extremely hard since I'm weak in some subjects.


Till then! Might not be updating soon. We shall see yeah? ;) bye :) xoxo

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Being A Secondary 4 Student

Sorry I haven't been updating as much as last time. Just really busy and I didn't really know what to post :( Anyways..

Time really flies doesn't it? I remember being a Secondary 1 student like it just happened yesterday and in an blink of an eye, I'm already a Secondary 4 student. Which means.. OUR BATCH IS THE OLDEST AND WE GET TO RULE THE SCHOOL. HAHAHA. Just kidding :p

Well, all I can say is, there really isn't much time left. About 10 more months to O level examinations. Thinking about it just makes my stomach cringe and stressed up. :( In fact, I'm already stressed up. Everyday is just school till 3.15pm and I come home and do homework or study when I have the time. But the homework load is so much that there really is no time to rest and my bedtime has to be delayed till near midnight. And I wake up at 5.45am the next morning. Sigh.

Been through one week and I really can feel the stress and fatigue. Partly cause I don't have enough sleep to last me through the day. So.. I end up buying sweets before I go to school so that I have a little sugar to keep me awake. :p

Alrights. Enough for now. Goodbye and I hope I'll update more often yeah? xx